Hidden in Tokyo’s streets, Funiculi Funicula is a coffee place like no others, since one particular seat can make you travel back in time…
Before the coffee gets cold tells the story of the woman who wants to get back at her boyfriend who went to America, of the wife that was forgotten by her husband, of the sisters that were angry at each other, and of the mother who didn’t get to met her child. Four distinct and different stories, that are more linked that you think…
My review
Before the coffee gets cold is a book that will make you cry a lot, for it’s sensibility to important subject, such as loss and grief.
There is a lot of stories you can identify to, about the past, and the things you need to do to let it go and start living in the present.
This book is about the things we didn’t said in time, that we regret not saying, on all those opportunities we didn’t take. But it is also a book on love, and especially on how love will always be present even in troubled times.